My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Once I received the digital reading copy of this poetry book from the author, I immediately read it before the day ends. The book is divided into five parts: Loss, Pain & Depression; Abandonment; Love; Empowerment; and Healing. Love and Healing parts got the most number of poems with 34 and 36 respectively, while Empowerment has the least with only four.

I consider the last three sections of this anthology the best because of they exude positivity or being optimistic. There are a lot of relatable and remarkable poems in this collection that will be more appreciated notably by the millennials. Some of the poems that I love is Consumed By Her, #MeToo, Stance against Suppression, and Fear is a Curable Disease. Despite that I found some of the included poems to be repetitious because of the theme, especially in the topic of pain and love, I was still able to enjoy reading the rest of the book.