My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Little Book of Witchcraft is an informative book that contains useful information about witchcraft such as history, tools, and symbols. I'm quite fascinated by how white witchcraft was done thus this book is a big help for me. It is a 155 pages book filled with what one needs to about casting spells and rituals, and even devising your own spells.

I also like how the power of crystals was mentioned and some common ones were also listed such as the Amethyst for insomnia or tranquility; the clear quartz; rose quartz for love; and tiger's eye for seeking employment. The timing for casting the spells was also cited and a brief information about chakras was also tackled in the practical magic part.

If you are interested in what is Wicca or New Age, this book may be a bit short but it is a good introduction and foundation to broader research about it.