My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm an introvert, but unlike the author or this graphic novel, I consider mine as mild. I prefer just to stay at home, read a book, or watch a movie/series online than going to the beach or doing sports. That's where my reticence ends because on the contrary, I'm a talkative person, opinionated, a little assertive, and more of a motivator. However, Debbie Tung's case is more severe because she got some problem communicating and dealing with others.

I'm quite sure that a lot of introverts and bookworms can relate to Debbie, may it be close to her situation or their's is a milder condition just like mine. Being an introvert has both its pros and cons; one just need to monitor and control it so it will not take over their lives. Seeking help from friends and love ones on this condition is a huge help also, because having someone behind your back will make introverts co-exist with everyone.