My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Praises for Gavin Aung Than and his publisher Andrews McMeel for coming up with this graphic novel that contains 23 inspirational quotes from some of the notable personalities, such as Winston Churchill and Confucius . The supporting illustrations drawn by the author himself were quite appealing that will undeniably pleased both young and adult readers.

In this book, one of the remarkable quotes for me is by Howard Thurman , "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." The accompanying story and artwork for this quote is absolutely appropriate; as it depicts how we usually forget about our dream because our parents dictates what we should become. There are other issues addressed in this graphic novel, such as hatred, bullying, and racial differences, to name a few.

I'm hoping that the author will release a second volume of this; because I believe that there are a lot more uplifting quotes that were not included in this book. Kids really need this kind of book — to inspire them and boost their morale — especially now in this chaotic times. I don't have any unpleasant remarks for this book, only satisfactory and delightful compliments.
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