My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Between Me and You is a fiction novel that tells about the story of the married couple, Ben and Tatum. It narrates the imperfect relationship they have: from the struggles, jealousy, secrets, jealousy and infidelity.
The story was narrated through Ben and Tatum's perspective; the flashbacks dated from their first meeting in the bar where Tatum used to work up to how their lives were entangled in secrets and deceit during their marriage. They both know that they still love each other, but there are instances that they felt one has already fallen out of love.
This novel sort of reminds everyone that there's no such as perfect marriage, but it's up to those who are in the relationship how to work it out. There will be problems that married couples encounter during the course of their marriage; trying to forgive and forget is one of the important factors to consider and remember. And this is what Ben and Tatum did to be able to save their relationship.