My rating: 5 of 5 stars
While reading this graphic novel, I remember that I was offered thrice to be a teacher/instructor before. I can handle teaching just not the baggage teaching has like being patient to your students; I was born without an ounce of patience that's why being a teacher is way out of my league.
I have a lot of respect for our teachers because teaching and handling students at the same time is quite an arduous task. I know that several of them got a lot of sense of humor, they just don't show it especially while in class, and it is apparent in this book. Usually, a teacher's salary isn't enough for all the workload and stress they have to endure; so maybe they just made a good laugh about it rather than moping in the corner. I like several anecdotes in this book and one of them is: My students call me teacher, but I like to think of myself as "Breeder of tomorrow's leaders." Just sounds more precise.