The Wormworld Saga Vol. 2: Shelter of Hope by Daniel Lieske

The Wormworld Saga Vol. 2: Shelter of Hope
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love the first installment of this graphic novel series so I was hoping that this second volume is on a par with its predecessor. Janaka Jiiva's vision and Jonas' mission were explained here, thus there are too many dialogues or exchange of conversations between the characters. I was even looking forward to more of the adventure or fight scenes, but I guess that would be available in the succeeding volumes.
The Wormworld Saga Vol 2: The Shelter of Hope by Daniel Lieske
There are two chapters in this installment, but I love more the additional chapter entitled, "A Premature Adventure," because it shows the origin of the painting that was created by Jonas' great-grandfather. Jonas' grandmother, Laura, was included in the story, therefore, it shows that she is aware that there's a magical world behind that painting.
The Wormworld Saga Vol 2: The Shelter of Hope by Daniel Lieske
Hope that the third volume will show more exciting adventures of Jonas and Raya. I will still be following this series because I want to know how the story will conclude.
The Wormworld Saga Vol 2: The Shelter of Hope by Daniel Lieske