My rating: 5 of 5 stars
While I was reading this memoir of the famous impressionist painter, Oscar Monet, I remember what my parents said when I was thinking of taking up BFA in college: "What will you end up? A painter? There's no money in painting." And that's what Monet experienced several times as a painter during that time.

Monet's life was never that easy ever since he decided to pursue his painting career. There were times that he can't provide for his family that he usually borrows from his good friend Bazille. Giving up painting always crossed his mind and just look for another job so he can able to support his growing family. Despite these difficulties, those who can see his paintings will not see any trace of these — as a large number of his works are quite the opposite because they are picturesque, lively and rich in color.

If you know who this brilliant painter is and want to take a glimpse of his life story, you must check out this graphic novel because it provides us a vivid picture of it.